My Jamaican friends and Family, this is a critical point in Jamaican history, it is not just about which person we are going to entrust with the future of our country but about the type of progress and reconstruction we want to see for our beloved Jamaica in this the 21st century.
It pains my heart to see the kind of suffering brought on by what some might call incompetence and greed within the government. Jamaicans have experienced record numbers in Crime, unemployment and poverty for the last 30 years plus. Are we going to point fingers at each other and wait for got you moments to create the kind of environment that got us here in the first place or are we going to challenge our elected officials and hold them to higher Standards. Do we just vote color and popularity or pay attention to the policies and record of each person interviewing for the Job. Jamaicans I am asking you to interview your candidate directly or indirectly if the local media will not do that, you are a democratic country and you must exercise your right to knowingly vote as a citizen in that country.
Lets look at the above Flyer together, I have several Questions that I think you should be equally interested to have answered:
1. 5,7K jobs in construction Question: how will you finance this project, is it more Taxes on the people?
2. 15, Jobs in Water infrastructure, Question: Again how will you finance it and exactly where will this job be undertaken.
3. 5K jobs in Energy. Question: what kind of energy are we referring (too vague)
4. 7K jobs in Alternative Energy: Question: what kind of alternative Energy, what is the source, is it research, Explain???
5. 30-40K in Business Process outreach. Questions: what is this?
6. 20K jobs in business expansion. How will this be financed, what is Misc services? this is unacceptable in a government proposal.
7. 20K jobs in Manufacturing and Agri-Business. Question: are you saying you are ready to invest in our very own small business (farmers) How and where will the money come from?
8. 15-20K in transportation. Question: does this mean you are working on some form of transportation venture that you have not disclosed to the Jamaican People?
9. 30K jobs in Hotels, Questions: How do you employ people in the hospitality industry? Government just need to create the environment that grows the local tourist industry.
I don't see anything that creates the oversight on waste and corruption among politician.
I don't favor either party I would like to see the Portia Simpson Plan as well but she is the ruling party and if you want her out then maybe you should be precise on how you plan to rescue the Jamaican people from the perpetual poverty and suffering that has been plaguing the citizen of Jamaica.
I am just saying.
Hit me back if you have an opinion and I dare the author of this flyer to address my questions. I am Jamaican, earn my vote.
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